Monday, June 8, 2009

Crossed the mileage line

I keep wanting to run more miles per week than I have in past years. Every time I work my mileage up I eventually have to step it back as I start to get injured. This running season is no different than last year. I finished last week with 60 miles and this afternoon my left knee is telling me to take it easy. My knees almost never hurt.

I'll try to shoot for 45 to 50 mile weeks for the next month and see how that works out. If my knee pain continues this week will be a sub-40 mile week.



Beth said...

Wow, 60 miles is a lot.I hope your knee settles down and your able to hit your mileage goals. Wishing you good health!

Patrick said...

Mark, why don't you try a 4-6 weeks of this:

5-6 days/week
everything else 30-45 min incl 1-3x 20 walking lunges afterwards.

Mark H. said...

Thanks Beth.

Patrick - nice plan. I can get a fair amount of miles in, and more importantly, some variety from day to day. What pushed me over the edge was last Friday - a 2:20 run; Sat - 1:30, and Sun 1:15. That was too much for me in those 3 days.

I'll be working with what you suggest for the next month. I'll let you know how it's going a month from today if I see you at the 10K in Copper Harbor.
