Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Track work

Tuesday morning I did track work with my running partners. I ran on the track once in my life and that was last year. I've been running hills on Tuesday mornings and have avoided the track like the plague. In a weak moment last week I said I'd run track with them this week.

Anyone in the TC metro area may remember that Tuesday (yesterday) morning it was raining. It rained running the 2.5 miles to the track, during our time there, and all the way back. Oh well, it was nice to be out running. The plan was to run Yasso 800s and my friends were stepping up to eight this week. Since I'm way behind them I just ran 4 in 3:11, 3:16, 3:13, 3:12. The thing about the Yasso 800s is that you work your way up to 10 and you should run them all at the same pace and it can help predict your marathon time. For example, running 10x Yasso 800s in 3:12 each predicts a 3h12min marathon.

That may work for some people but not me. I'm heavy on the fast twitch muscle fibers and after racing 2.5 hours my fast twitchers seem to be gone and my pace drops. I think I'm about 30 minutes slower than my Yasso times but I'll be back next Tuesday to run on the track again. I'm still an inexperienced marathoner and have trouble (injuries) when I average more than 40 miles per week. Therefore, I won't be able to become a better long distance runner by adding more miles. Hopefully more hills and some speed will help my marathon times.

I had trouble yesterday with my heel lift. With all the rain, my feet got soaked and after a couple 800s, my heel lift shifted forward under my mid-foot. Not good. Between laps I had to take my shoe off and put the lift back in place. I ordered some vinyl lifts this morning that I'll tape down to my shoe so they don't shift. I'm very surprised that I didn't have this problem running in the Twin Cities Monsoon-athon last October.

update: After I wrote this I remembered that I did have my heal lift taped to my shoe insert when I ran the TC Marathon.



Beth said...

Ya, I'm surprised that you didn't have trouble at the marathon with all of that rain. That was terrible! Glad you had a good track workout and that your training is going well. Yeah!

Mark H. said...

I figured out why I didn't have a problem in the marathon. I have another pair of inserts and heel lift and I had that lift taped to the bottom of the insert. It's obvious now that I think about it that I wore those for the marathon.