Monday, April 28, 2008

A good 24 hours

My main concern over the previous day was my foot. It's been my experience that when the cuboid bone in my foot lines up properly, there is no pain. Wearing a small moleskin patch under the hurt area has pushed things back into place and I've been pain-free since yesterday afternoon. I ran 9 miles this morning without pain.

My big issue now is how can I find the root cause of the problem so this doesn't happen again. The trigger seems to be intense races and also fast speed intervals. I think in the first few weeks after the Fargo marathon I'll go for a good shoe fitting. I've only ever worn one model of shoe so there may be something else that is better for me.

I made marks on my foot where the pain was and where I put the moleskin patch. I'll take pictures of those for my records..... not to post here.

Update: My foot still feels good. I found a picture of the foot bones on the internet and put a circle on the picture where the problem is. Now I don't have to take a photo but will have something to show my doc if I ever need to go in.

My issue is at the front of the cuboid bone, not the back as the diagram from the other day shows.



SteveQ said...

I broke a process off my cuboid during the 1981 City of Lakes Marathon and didn't run for three months. Hope you heal faster than I do.

Mark H. said...

Steve, I think mine will heal faster. I updated the blog entry with a pic where I circled the trouble area. I'll bring that to my next shoe fitting, or doc, whoever I see first.